HPA target utilization

This setting defines range for HPA target utilization

HPA target utilization

Specifies the lower bound and upper bound of the range within which Optimize Live can set HPA target utilization.

Annotation Default value
live.stormforge.io/hpa.cpu.target-utilization.min None
live.stormforge.io/hpa.cpu.target-utilization.max None
live.stormforge.io/hpa.memory.target-utilization.min None
live.stormforge.io/hpa.memory.target-utilization.max None

HPA target utilization min and max are constraints that prevent Optimize Live from recommending HPA target utilization values outside of the defined bounds. The target utilization constraints are specified separately for CPU and for memory. These settings have an effect only if an HPA is enabled for a workload, and only if the HPA scales on CPU or scales on memory.

Valid values
  • Integer strings from "0" to "100"
Last modified June 6, 2024