Agent configuration

Review the additional Agent configuration parameters and their descriptions

The purpose of this topic is to list and describe the additional parameters available for configuring the StormForge Agent. For parameters that apply to the StormForge Applier, see the Applier configuration topic.

Agent parameters:

Third-party secret management

Indicates whether the StormForge Agent creates and manages its authorization secret.

Helm parameter Default value
manageAuthSecret true

Set to false to manage the Agent authorization secret with a third-party credential manager. For details and the Agent secret format, see this guide.

Valid values
  • true (default)
  • false

Installing on Red Hat OpenShift

Required only when installing the Agent on Red Hat OpenShift.

Helm parameter Default value
openshift false

Set to true when installing the StormForge Agent on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.x and later. For detailed steps, see this guide.

Valid values

Any positive Kubernetes quantity, appropriate to the resource. Examples:

  • true
  • false

Namespace allowList and denyList

Comma-separated list of namespaces that constrains metrics collection to workloads in specific namespaces.

Helm parameter Default value
workload.allowNamespaces None
workload.denyNamespaces ["kube-system","openshift.*"]

Set only one of these values, not both. If both lists are provided, workload.denyNamespaces is ignored.

  • To allow metrics collection to specific workloads, use workload.allowNamespaces.
  • To deny metrics collection on specific workloads, use workload.denyNamespaces.

The default value for the workload.denyNamespaces Helm parameter lists common system namespaces that the Agent does not monitor.

Valid values

An array containing any string or regex expressions ([]*regexp.Regexp) to match against namespace names.


  - ".*-system"


  denyNamespaces: null
  - "monitoring"
  - "frontend"
  - ".ecommerce-*"

To explicitly unset either of these values, use null.

  denyNamespaces: null
Last modified July 19, 2024