
Get help with common questions, errors, and warnings

Several specific troubleshooting scenarios and listed below.

If you don’t see your specific scenario, the most common troubleshooting steps are checking the Agent status, the Agent logs, or the ConfigMaps settings, or restarting the Agent as described in Common troubleshooting steps below.


Workloads and recommendations

Errors and warnings

Common troubleshooting steps

Most troubleshooting involves the checks listed below.

To view high-level information such as Agent status and cluster connection status:
helm test stormforge-agent -n stormforge-system --logs

Examine the output to determine:

  • Whether the cluster name is valid
  • Whether the application can connect to the endpoint
  • Whether the Agent is able to start
To check whether the Agent is running:
kubectl get pods -n stormforge-system -l
To view the Agent logs:

If the Agent won’t start (for example, connectivity issues when using a proxy), check the init container status:

kubectl logs -n stormforge-system -l -c init --tail=-1

If the Agent is running:

kubectl logs -n stormforge-system -l --tail=-1
To describe the Pod and Events for the Agent:
kubectl describe pod -n stormforge-system -l

Examine the output:

  • Check the pod status, state and reason, conditions, and events.
  • In the .containers spec, check the arguments, state, liveness, and readiness.
To view the ConfigMaps settings:
kubectl get configmaps -n stormforge-system -l -o yaml

Scan the relevant ConfigMaps for any unusual or unexpected settings. To make changes, identify the correct Helm values needed to change the ConfigMap and set them by running helm upgrade. If you make changes by editing the ConfigMaps directly, those manual edits will be overwritten on upgrade.

Restart the Agent

In some scenarios, restarting the Agent solves the problem. Remember that this will result in a few moments of downtime while new pods scale up:

kubectl rollout restart -n stormforge-system deployment.apps/stormforge-agent-workload-controller

To check the status of the restart, run:

kubectl rollout status deployment -n stormforge-system stormforge-agent-workload-controller -w

A successful restart generates this message:
deployment "stormforge-agent-workload-controller" successfully rolled out

Common questions

Installation: Health check failed with a Failed to create StormForge client message

This message can occur when installing either the Agent or Applier, and it indicates a connectivity problem between your environment and the StormForge environment. For example, a proxy or a firewall that isn’t configured correctly can cause timeout, proxy, and TLS issues.

Start by checking the connectivity to the StormForge endpoints:

kubectl -n stormforge-system run stormforge-check-connect --attach --rm --restart Never --quiet \
    --image -- check connect

If any endpoint status in the output is not OK, try the following steps:

  1. Run the following busybox and wget commands to check for a network issue such as a problematic network policy, firewall, or outgress controller:

    kubectl -n stormforge-system run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh

    At the busybox command prompt, enter:


    In this example, although it is counterintuitive, the 404 error indicates connectivity to StormForge servers:

    % kubectl -n stormforge-system run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh
    If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
    / # 
    / # wget
    Connecting to (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443)
    wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    Type exit to exit busybox and then delete the pod:

    kubectl delete pod busybox -n stormforge-system
  2. If the busybox and wget commands above do not return a 404 error, run the following command, which uses a netshoot image to determine which network hop is dropping the connection.
    Note: You must be connected to the cluster with admin rights and the pod must run in privileged mode (.spec.privileged: true):

    kubectl -n stormforge-system run tmp-shell --rm -i --tty --image nicolaka/netshoot

    At the [tmp-shell] prompt, enter:

    tcptraceroute 443

    The following example illustrates end-to-end connectivity. If you are troubleshooting, you might see * * * indefinitely at a particular hop.

    % kubectl -n stormforge-system run tmp-shell --rm -i --tty --image nicolaka/netshoot
    tmp-shell  ~  tcptraceroute 443
    Selected device dev0, address, port 33305 for outgoing packets
    Tracing the path to ( on TCP port 443 (https), 30 hops max
    1  0.056 ms  0.052 ms  0.048 ms
    2  0.274 ms  0.215 ms  0.205 ms
    3  * * *
    4 (  0.787 ms  0.678 ms  0.542 ms
    5 (  1.520 ms  0.832 ms  0.817 ms
    6 ( [open]  1.288 ms  2.021 ms  2.333 ms

The Agent installation failed. What can I check?

If the Agent didn’t install correctly, you might not be able to:

Here are a few things you can check:

  • Run the built-in Helm chart tests.
    Check the last line of the output — if the test fails, you’ll see something similar to this message (with the error messages shown immediately before it):

    Error: 2  errors occurred:
      * pod stormforge-agent-healthcheck failed

The Applier installation failed. What can I check?

The Applier uses the secret provided by the Agent - check for the secret’s existence by running:

kubectl get deployment,secret -n stormforge-system

Check the output for the following item:

NAME                      TYPE     DATA   AGE
secret/stormforge-agent-auth   Opaque   5      31d

If the secret is missing, reinstall the Agent and then try installing the Applier again.

Workloads and recommendations

I don’t see the workloads (or namespaces) that I expect on the dashboard. What can I check?

Reasons why you might not see some workloads or namespaces include:

  • The namespace exists but it is empty - no pods, no built-in types.

  • The namespace contains only batch jobs (which are not supported) or pods without an owner reference (this is rare).

  • The namespace has no workloads in a healthy state: for example, a DaemonSet isn’t fully operational (which occurs when not all are healthy).

  • The namespace allowNamespaces or denyNamespaces Helm chart values constrain which namespaces to optimize.

    Note: By default, workloads in the kube-system and openshift-* namespaces are in the denyNamespaces list, and you won’t see these namespaces or their workloads on the dashboard.

There are a few things you can check: pods on the cluster, Agent logs, and the allow/deny namespaces lists.

Get a list of all running pods on the cluster

kubectl get all -A

You might choose to modify this command or add other arguments, based on your familiarity with Kubernetes.

In the output:

  • In the NAME column, look at the pod list (pod/POD_NAME rows) and make sure the stormforge-agent-workload-controller-POD_SUFFIX pod and your application pods in other namespaces are running.
  • In the NAME column, look for batch.apps: If it exists, make sure that the corresponding namespace contains other Kubernetes types (deployment.apps, replicaset.apps, daemonset.apps).
  • For each pod whose STATUS column that has a status of RUNNING, check the READY column: Make sure all the nodes are ready. For example, 7/7 means the workload is healthy (all 7 pods are running); 3/7 is unhealthy.

Check whether there are any workloads on the cluster
Run kubectl get deployments (include the -n NAMESPACE argument if you’re not checking the default namespace). If there are no deployments listed in the output, Optimize Live won’t collect any metrics.

  • If you need a sample workload, you can download the Optimize Live sample application, which installs one workload on your cluster. From a command line, run:
    helm install optlive-showcase-app oci://
    Learn more about the sample application in this guide.

Check the Agent logs

  1. Get the Agent logs as described above.
  2. Scan the output for errors and any unusual or unexpected settings.

Check whether the allowList or denyList constraints are too restrictive

  1. Get the Optimize Live ConfigMap as described above.
  2. Find workload-agent.yml in the output, and look for the allowNamespaces or denyNamespaces argument.
    • If either list is present and doesn’t match what you expect, adjust it as needed. If both are present, the allowList has precedence and the denyList is ignored.
    • If neither list is included in this spec, then neither list has been set, and something else is causing the problem.

How do I grant RBAC permissions on a patch target?

To apply or export the recommended workload settings, Optimize Live must:

  • Support the patch target type.
  • Have RBAC access permissions on the patch target.

When these permissions are missing, you’ll see a message similar to this:

please grant rbac access permissions on name/namespace: %s/%s, kind: %s, apiversion: %s

To grant RBAC access permissions:

  1. Find the stormforge-agent values.yaml file from the Helm chart that was used to install the StormForge Agent.

    • If you don’t have the file:
      1. Download the chart:

        helm show values oci://

        If you use a proxy server or private container registry, follow the steps in Install the StormForge Agent - advanced scenarios.

      2. Copy the .rbac section into a new file named rbac-update.yaml. Proceed to the next step.

  2. In the rbac.additional section, add a .apiGroups section that includes the resources listed in the message.

    • Remember to replace API_VERSION and KIND with the values from the please grant rbac access permissions ... message.

          - apiGroups: 
            - API_VERSION
            - KIND
            - get
            - list
            - watch
  3. Apply the changes by running one of the following commands:

    • If you edited the values.yaml file, run:

      helm upgrade --values.yaml 
    • If you created a separate file named rbac-update.yaml, run:

      helm upgrade --values.yaml -f rbac-update.yaml 

I didn’t get a recommendation for a workload. What can I check?

Check the basics:

  • Look for more information in a message in the Optimize Live banner.
  • Check that the recommendation schedule is set to the frequency that you expect:
    1. Click Workloads in left navigation and drill down to the workload.

    2. Click Settings > Schedule and check the Recommendation Schedule.

      To change the schedule, set the annotation as described in the Schedule topic.

Check for scale-down events: You won’t get a recommendation if the workload scales down to 0 replicas for more than 75% of the time during a 7-day period. Sufficient metrics aren’t available when a workload scales down for this much time.

My cluster is disconnected. What can I check?

If Optimize Live doesn’t get a response from a cluster after about one hour, it marks the cluster as disconnected (). The data shown is the last view that Optimize Live has of the data.

If you believe the cluster should be connected, check the Agent status and cluster connection status. Restart the Agent if needed.

Errors and warnings

Failed to send batch, retrying

Post "": oauth2: "too_many_attempts" We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator.
If enough incorrect client_ID/client_secret combinations originate from one IP address, any further attempts to connect to Optimize Live are blocked.

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Determine which authentication setup you’re using in your estate. An administrator typically makes this decision, usually before installing Optimize Live on an initial cluster.

    • One clientID/clientSecret pair used by all clusters
    • One clientID/clientSecret pair per cluster
  2. On each cluster, locate your access credentials file (the .yaml file that contains your clientID and clientSecret). This file was created when you either:

    • Added a cluster by clicking Add Cluster in the Optimize Live UI
    • Ran stormforge auth create CREDENTIAL_NAME > CREDENTIAL_FILE from the command line before you installed the StormForge Agent

Errors are grouped below by the error type shown when you hover over an error status in a workload list. Example:

Recommender Failure

Failed to generate recommendation (1000)
This error can occur for different reasons. Typically, contacting support is the best action to take, but you can also try one of the following:

Scaled to Zero

No recommendation is generated when a workload scales to zero for too long.

Scaling down errors include:

  • The workload has been scaled to zero for too long.
  • We've detected that this workload was scaled to zero in the last 7 days.
  • Workload has been scaled to zero for more than 75% of the time over the last 7 days.

If the scaling down is unexpected, investigate the workload using kubectl commands.

Missing Data

No recommendation was generated because data is missing or is stale. When this happens, you’ll see one of the following errors:


The recommendation was not computed in a timely manner.
You can either wait for the next recommendation to be generated or generate a new one by: - Clicking Regenerate on the workload details page and then applying the recommendation.
- Running stormforge create recommendations [flags]. Append the --autodeploy flag to apply it immediately, or run stormforge apply --recommendation RECOMMENDATION_NAME [flags] to apply it manually.

Applier Failure

If a workload doesn’t restart or function as expected after a recommendation is applied, the Optimize Live Applier rolls back the workload to its last known good state and logs one of the following messages in the Applier logs.

  • applied patch but timed out waiting for workload to become ready
    rolled back to previous state not waiting for workload to become ready
    workload was unhealthy prior to patch

    The workload wasn’t healthy even before applying any changes, and you should investigate the workload directly.

    Start by describing the pods relating to the workload resource and examine the Events section for clues.

    kubectl describe pod NAME

    You can learn more about troubleshooting common issues with Kubernetes resources in the Kubernetes docs.

  • applied patch but timed out waiting for workload to become ready
    rolled back to previous state workload returned to ready
    applied patch but timed out waiting for workload to become ready rolled back to previous state timed out waiting for pods to be ready
    While rollback is sometimes a desirable safety feature to have enabled, at scale and in large environments these errors often occur when the Applier’s monitoring period of 5min isn’t long enough for workloads to become Ready. The Applier determines that the change is a failure and rolls the workload back to the previous state.

    If this error happens often, disable the rollback feature.

    Disable rollback
    1. Add the following code to a .yaml file, for example, applier-values.yaml.
      # applier-values.yaml
        value: "true"
    2. Upgrade the applier using the new values:
      helm upgrade stormforge-applier oci:// \
        -n stormforge-system \
        -f applier-values.yaml

Unsupported workloads

Workloads whose status is Unsupported () are configured in such a way that Optimize Live does not generate recommendations for them. The following messages shown for unsupported workloads are informational only, and typically, no action is required.

Job doesn’t run long enough to make a recommendation

A CronJob (or any short-duration Job) must typically run for at least 10 continuous minutes in order for Optimize Live to generate a recommendation. In some scenarios, 5-10 minutes is sufficient to generate a recommendation, depending on the frequency of the Job.

If the Job does not provide enough metrics within 5-10 minutes, Optimize Live labels the workload as Unsupported.

Optimize Live does not generate recommendations for Jobs that run for less than 5 minutes.

Corrupt data detected for container

No recommendation was generated because some of the metrics data StormForge has collected exhibit signs of corruption that make the metrics data unusable, such as metrics showing impossibly high CPU or memory usage. If you see workloads with this Unsupported reason, please contact Support.

Oscillating replicas

No recommendation was generated because the HPA oscillates between min and max replicas. If this is unexpected, investigate the workload. Increasing the max replicas can sometimes eliminate the oscillation, enabling Optimize Live to generate recommendations.

Target utilization max

No recommendation was generated because the HPA target.averageUtilization is set to greater than or equal to 100.

Last modified October 4, 2024