Test Options

Showcases some options for tuning the test options.

Test Options

Exclude Tags

The exclude_tags option allows skipping requests with a specific tag, e.g. the asset tag which gets generated by our HAR Converter:

  exclude_tags: ["asset", "exclude"]

This example skips any request that has either the asset tag or the exclude tag.

Cluster Options

StormForge Performance Testing starts a dedicated load generator cluster for your test run. You can configure the size of the cluster and the region where the cluster will be launched.

In your test case definition you can set this option as follows:

  cluster: {
    sizing: "medium",
    region: "eu-central-1"

The size you’ll need depends on the complexity of your test case and the desired amount of load you want to generate.

Cluster Sizing

Cluster sizing defines the load generator cluster that is used to generate the defined load in terms of server type and server quantity.

The preflight mode is for trial purposes and only very limited resources will be allocated to your test.

For a proper load test we offer three types of cluster sizings: small, medium and large.

How to choose the right cluster size depends on your test case definition and its complexity. Basically two main factors must be considered for picking the right size namely request count and bandwidth.

If you have many requests with a low bandwidth the amount of requests is the primary factor for limitations. If you require a high bandwidth per request you might want to consider the total bandwidth as primary factor.

Cluster Region

The following tables list the available AWS regions.

If you need to know what IP ranges will be used, consult AWS’s documents on AWS IP Address Ranges.

In case you require our load generators to run in a different AWS region get in contact with us.

Regions Available in Standalone

Currently available cluster regions in StormForge Performance Testing:

Region City Name
Asia Pacific Hong Kong ap-east-1
Asia Pacific Tokyo ap-northeast-1
Asia Pacific Seoul ap-northeast-2
Asia Pacific Mumbai ap-south-1
Asia Pacific Singapore ap-southeast-1
Asia Pacific Sydney ap-southeast-2
Canada Central ca-central-1
Europe Central Frankfurt eu-central-1
Europe North Stockholm eu-north-1
Europe West Dublin eu-west-1
Europe West London eu-west-2
Europe West Paris eu-west-3
South America São Paulo sa-east-1
US East N. Virginia us-east-1
US East Ohio us-east-2
US West N. California us-west-1
US West Oregon us-west-2
Last modified September 23, 2024