Install Optimize Live as an EKS add-on

Optimize Live is available as an EKS add-on in AWS Marketplace

If you’re running an Amazon EKS cluster, you can install StormForge Optimize Live as an EKS add-on in one of two ways:

Install using the EKS UI and StormForge UI

Get the add-on

  1. Open two browser windows side by side.

  2. In one window, navigate to and log in to your Amazon EKS cluster.

  3. On the cluster page, add the Add-ons tab, and then click Get more add-ons.

  4. On the Select add-ons page, scroll to the AWS Marketplace add-ons section.

  5. From the Any category menu, select cost-management.

  6. On the StormForge Optimize Live add-on card, select the check box in the upper right (see below); then, click Next.

    EKS cost management card

  7. Note: If you don’t have a StormForge account, go to this section at the end of this topic, complete the steps. Then, come back to this section and move to step 8.

  8. On the Configure selected add-ons settings page, expand the Optional configuration settings section.

  9. In the Add-on configuration schema section, you can customize your installation the same way you can customize a Helm install.

  10. Copy the following placeholder text into the Configuration values text area. In a later step, you’ll replace this text with the values generated on the StormForge Access Credentials page.

    standbyMode: false
Get the cluster credentials and copy them to EKS configuration values
  1. In the second browser window, go to

  2. In the left navigation, click Settings > Access Credentials, and press Add Credential.

  3. In the Create Credential window, enter your EKS cluster name or a unique string to help you identify the credential. Then, click Create.

  4. Copy the issuer, clientID, and clientSecret from the new credential. Image showing StormForge credential

  5. In your EKS browser window, copy the new credential into the Configuration values text area, replacing the empty placeholder. The Advanced configuration panel will look like this:

    EKS Configuration panel

  6. In the Conflict resolution method, select Override.

  7. Click Next, and then click Next again.

Validate the installation

In the StormForge left navigation, click Settings > Cluster Management and confirm the new cluster was added.

Install using the EKS CLI and StormForge UI

This method installs Optimize Live in standby mode.

Get the add-on

Run the following command, replacing CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster and REGION with your region.

eksctl create addon --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --name stormforge_optimize-live --version "v2.8.0-eksbuild.1" --region REGION --force

This installs the add-on with the default values provided by StormForge. The Agent pod (workload-agent) is in standby mode, and the Prometheus agent is not started yet.

Validate the installation

To validate the installation, run:

aws eks describe-addon --cluster-name CLUSTERNAME --region REGION --addon-name stormforge_optimize-live

The output will look something like this:

EKS add-on health check

In the output, look for "status": "ACTIVE" and confirm that there are no issues in the “health” section: EKS add-on health check

Manage your StormForge subscription

In Amazon EKS, go to the Add-ons page. To get the stormforge_optimize-live add-on, click the Manage subscription link.

Create a config.yaml file

This config.yaml file updates an existing cluster with the EKS add-ons. You can copy the example below into your EKS browser window.

kind: ClusterConfig
  name: "NAME"
  region: "REGION"
- name: stormforge_optimize-live
  version: v2.8.0-eksbuild.1
  configurationValues: |-
      clientID: "CLIENT_ID"
      clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
    standbyMode: false    
  resolveConflicts: overwrite
Get the cluster credentials
  1. In a browser window, go to

  2. In the left navigation, click Settings > Access Credentials, and press Add Credential.

  3. In the Create Credential window, enter your EKS cluster name or a unique string to help you identify the credential. Then, click Create.

  4. Copy the issuer, clientID, and clientSecret lines from the new credential. Image showing StormForge credential

  5. Replace the issuer, clientID, and clientSecret the EKS config.yaml file with the new credential information you just copied. Be sure to copy it to the addons.configurationValues.authorization section.

Apply the YAML config and activate the add-on

Run the following command to apply the config file and get it out of standby mode:

eksctl update addon --config-file config.yaml --force

You don’t need to specify the cluster name and region as command parameters - they’re already in the config.yaml file.

After a minute or two, you should see output similar to the following: EKS eksctl update output

Continue your subscription

You have to continue to subscribe to this add-on.

  1. Sign in to, and in the AWS Marketplace Buyer website, search for StormForge Optimize Live.
  2. On the StormForge Optimize Live product page, click Continue to Subscribe in the upper right.
  3. Review the agreement and then click Create Contract.
Get a StormForge account

Complete this step only if you don’t have a StormForge account. It takes only a few minutes to get up.

  1. In a separate browser window, go to to get your free StormForge trial license.
  2. Check your email for a confirmation message from us.
  3. When you receive the message, click the confirmation link to start your trial.
Last modified July 17, 2024