Transparent proxy configuration

Learn how to configure StormForge for use with a transparent proxy

If you use a transparent proxy, you need to configure StormForge to trust the proxy’s root certificate authority (CA). To do this, mount the proxy’s root CA certificate using a volume, then use additionalEnvVars to configure StormForge to use the mounted bundle.


  • Helm version 3.14.0 or later (required for the --reset-then-reuse parameter)


  1. Copy the YAML below into a new file named, for example, transparent-proxy-values.yaml. This example assumes the required root CA is available in a ConfigMap, but any core/v1 Volumes type can be used (see the related link below).

    # Configures additional volumes that will be added to all pods
    - name: corporate-root-ca
        name: corporate-root-ca
        - key: ca.crt
          path: ca.crt
    # Configures additional volume mounts that will be added to all containers
    - name: 
      mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs
    # Configures additional environment variables that will be added to all containers
    - name: SSL_CERT_FILE  # or SSL_CERT_DIR. Configures StormForge apps to use the mounted bundle.
      value: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt
  2. Run helm upgrade to apply the new settings:

    helm upgrade stormforge-agent oci:// \
        -n stormforge-system \
        --reset-then-reuse-values \
        -f transparent-proxy-values.yaml
Last modified March 18, 2025