Advanced installation
11 minute read
You’ll need:
- A StormForge Account
- Kubernetes version 1.24 or later
- Helm version 3.14.0 or later
- kubectl properly configured for your cluster
- Cluster-Admin access (for installation only)
- A Kubernetes cluster and the cluster name to install the Agent into.
The cluster name cannot exceed 63 characters, cannot start or end with a dash (-
), and must follow the RFC 1123 DNS label standard.
Be sure to:
- Configure a proxy, if needed
- If you use a private container registry, import the required containers
- Configure firewall rules, including granting Kubernetes clusters access to these StormForge services endpoints on port 443:
(*If you configure the Agent to use an internal registry, you don’t need to grant cluster access to this endpoint).
Prepare to install
Install the StormForge CLI tool
The StormForge CLI is used to authenticate, retrieve credentials, and register the StormForge Agent on your Kubernetes cluster.
Download and install the CLI tool:
Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
Copy the following command to a terminal window:
# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux x86_64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux aarch64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Download the appropriate Linux binary and extract the files.
Then, run:
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
Download the appropriate Windows binary and extract the files.
Then, move stormforge.exe
to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.
Run the following PowerShell install command:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
Expand-Archive "" "." -WarningVariable $w; if ($w.Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item "" }
Then, move stormforge.exe
to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.
Choose one of the three methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
brew install thestormforge/tap/stormforge
Copy the following macOS install command to a terminal:
# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin x86_64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin arm64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Download the appropriate macOS binary and install it using your preferred binary installer.
We provide a container image at
(for linux/amd64
and linux/arm64
docker pull
If you prefer to use the container image directly, set the STORMFORGE_TOKEN
environment variable (from auth create -o token
Log in
From the command line, log into your StormForge account:
stormforge login
Alternatively, you can get a one-time use code to enter into a browser from another device:
stormforge login --url
At any time, you can check to see that you can communicate with the API:
stormforge ping
After you log in, go back to your command line session.
Generate an access credential
If the Agent is already installed on a cluster, you can reuse the existing credential: locate the file that contains the credential, and skip to this section later in this topic.
If the Agent doesn’t exist on your estate, generate a credential by running the following command.
- Replacing CREDENTIAL_NAME with a name that will help you identify the file (such as the name of the cluster you’re installing on).
- Replace CREDENTIAL_FILE with a filename that will help you to identify the file that contans the credential (no filename extension is needed).
stormforge auth create CREDENTIAL_NAME > CREDENTIAL_FILE
The credentials file should look something like this:
clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET
Install the StormForge Agent - advanced scenarios
If you installed a 2.0.x version of the stormforge-agent Helm chart
You must delete that version before installing the latest version.
kubectl delete deploy stormforge-agent -n stormforge-system
If you have a proxy server
Before you install the Agent, create a proxy.yaml
server file (shown below) for the Prometheus container, which is installed with the Agent.
Replace PROXY_HOST with the appropriate hostname.
When you install the Agent (or the Applier), append the --values proxy.yaml
argument to the Helm command.
proxyUrl: https://PROXY_HOST:3128
Note: The no_proxy
parameter should include the network range that enables direct communication with the cluster and nodes. For example, to get this cluster value, run the following command and append a subnet mask sized appropriately for your environment to the CLUSTER-IP value.
kubectl get svc kubernetes -n default
The output will look something like this:
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 6d17h
Using this example, you could use a value of
If you have a transparent proxy
If your organization uses a transparent proxy, you need to configure StormForge to trust the proxy’s root certificate authority (CA). For details, see the Transparent proxy configuration guide.
If you have a private container registry
From a terminal that has direct internet access, run the following commands to import the Agent and Prometheus containers and push them to your repository.
- Replace
with the private container registry location. - In the
docker tag
command, make sure that the TARGET_IMAGE path uses the same slash-separated name components and tag as the SOURCE_IMAGE path (/optimize/workload-agent:2.21.1
$ docker pull --platform linux/amd64
$ docker tag $HOSTNAME/optimize/workload-agent:2.21.1
$ docker push $HOSTNAME/optimize/workload-agent:2.21.1
$ docker pull --platform linux/amd64
$ docker tag $HOSTNAME/prometheus/prometheus:v3.2.1
$ docker push $HOSTNAME/prometheus/prometheus:v3.2.1
When you install the Agent, append these arguments to the Helm install command:
--set workload.image.repository=$HOSTNAME/optimize/workload-agent \
--set prom.image.repository=$HOSTNAME/prometheus/prometheus \
Install the Agent
The oci://
Helm chart creates and uses a ServiceAccount called stormforge-agent
and binds it to the Kubernetes view
ClusterRole, granting read-only permissions to all resources in the cluster.
To install the Agent, run the following command:
Replace CREDENTIAL_FILE with the name of the file that contains your access credential.
Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the cluster (lowercase, no underscore) you’re installing the Agent on.
Include any extra arguments from the Agent configuration topic.
Note: If you cannot run
helm install
, skip to this section later in this topic.
helm install stormforge-agent oci:// \
--namespace stormforge-system \
--create-namespace \
--set clusterName=CLUSTER_NAME
If the Agent didn’t install, see the Installation section in the Troubleshooting topic.
The Agent is now sending metrics to the cloud service. In approximately 10 minutes, a preliminary recommendation for each workload will be available for you to view in the Optimize Live UI.
Validate the installation
To see your cluster and workloads:
- Log into with your StormForge account.
- In the left navigation, click Workloads.
- Optional: Refine your search by cluster, namespace, or workload name; press Enter, and review the results.
If you don’t see what you expect, try troubleshooting the Agent.
Should you install the StormForge Applier?
The StormForge Applier, an optional component of Optimize Live, applies the recommended CPU and memory settings to objects, mostly commonly workloads and HPAs, in the cluster.
Install the StormForge Applier if you plan to:
- Deploy recommendations on demand. You can apply a single recommendation in any environment as you experiment with recommendations or if you need to quickly deploy a recommendation outside of a schedule.
- Deploy recommendations automatically. Define a schedule to receive recommendations, and Optimize Live will generate and deploy them. This option enables you to immediately realize the benefits of right-sizing your workloads without manual intervention.
You do not need to install the StormForge Applier if you plan to:
- Deploy recommendations as part of a GitOps workflow (for example, in a staging or production environment)
- Export the patches manually from the Optimize Live web application.
The oci://
Helm chart creates and uses a ServiceAccount called stormforge-applier
and binds it to the Kubernetes edit
ClusterRole, granting update and patch permissions to all optimizable workloads (and HPA, if enabled). You can grant additional permissions by specifying additional RBAC in the Helm install command.
Continuous reconciliation and the Applier
You can control whether the Applier continuously reconciles workload requests or limits to the recommended settings by setting the Applier reconciliation.mode
. For details, see Continuous reconciliation in the Applier configuration topic.
Install the Applier
First, make sure that the Agent is installed:
kubectl get pods -A | grep 'stormforge-agent'
For additional Applier configuration options, see the Applier configuration topic.
If you use a private container registry, import and tag the Applier container and push it to your repository (and don’t change the /optimize/applier:2.7.1
name component and tag):
- Replace $HOSTNAME with the private container registry location.
$ docker pull --platform linux/amd64
$ docker tag $HOSTNAME/optimize/applier:2.7.1
$ docker push $HOSTNAME/optimize/applier:2.7.1
To install the Applier, run the following command:
- If you use a proxy server, add the
-f proxy.yaml
flag after the repository name. - Replace $HOSTNAME with the private container registry location.
- If you cannot run
helm install
, skip to this section.
$ helm install stormforge-applier \
oci:// \
-n stormforge-system \
--set image.repository=$HOSTNAME/optimize/applier
To validate the installation, run:
kubectl get pods -A | grep 'stormforge-applier'
The output should look something like this:
stormforge-system stormforge-applier-8554758f5b-whbc4 1/1 Running 0 20s
Additional installation considerations
If you cannot run helm install
Some environments cannot run Helm installations. StormForge relies on Helm to generate the templates required for installation; therefore, Helm is a strict requirement. However, you can run Helm to generate the template files to be applied to your cluster using standard kubectl commands:
- If you use a proxy server, add the
-f proxy.yaml
flag before--output-dir .
. - Replace CREDENTIAL_FILE with the name of the file that contains your access credential.
- Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the cluster (lowercase, no underscore) you’re installing the Agent on.
- Include any extra arguments from the Agent configuration topic.
helm template stormforge-agent \
oci:// \
--namespace stormforge-system \
--set clusterName=CLUSTER_NAME \
--output-dir .
The helm template
command above creates manifests in a stormforge-agent
subdirectory. To apply the manifests to your cluster, run:
kubectl create ns stormforge-system; kubectl apply -f stormforge-agent --recursive=true
Workload discovery and metrics collection
In a default Agent installation:
- The Agent discovers and gathers metrics for all DaemonSet, HPA, Pod, ReplicaSet, ReplicationController, and StatefulSet types across all the namespaces on the cluster on which it’s installed.
- Custom resources are ignored and no metrics are collected on them. If you have custom resources in your environment or if you prefer not to have workloads discovered automatically, contact us for guidance on how to modify the Helm chart.
What happens after you install?
Optimize Live starts collecting metrics on workloads as soon as you install the Agent.
First 7 days: metrics collection and preliminary recommendations
Ten minutes after installation, after some initial metrics are collected, Optimize Live provides its first preliminary recommendation to give you an evolving preview of potential optimization impact.
Preliminary recommendations are then generated:
Hourly, for the first 24 hours after installing the Agent
Once daily, on days 2 to 7 after installing the Agent
Preliminary recommendations can be viewed, but should not be applied because they’re not based on a complete set of metrics.
It typically takes about 7 days to collect enough metrics to generate an optimal recommendation (referred to as a complete recommendation) for you to apply.
For this reason, we recommend waiting 7 days before applying recommendations.
After 7 days: Next steps
After we collect 7 days of metrics, you’ll receive a complete recommendation once daily (the default schedule).
By default, recommendations are not applied automatically, giving you control over how they’re applied.
When you are satisfied that the recommendations are safe to apply, you can enable automatic deployment for some or all of your workloads by setting the
annotation to "Enabled"
as described in the Auto-deploy topic.
You can also change the recommendation schedule based on how closely you want to track CPU and memory utilization and your tolerance for pod churn.
Review the optimization settings
Review the settings that Optimize Live uses to generate recommendations for a workload: In the StormForge UI, click Workloads, then click a workload name and go to the Settings tab.
Change the optimization settings (optional)
If you’re satisfied with the default optimization settings, you don’t need to change them. If you would like to change any values, it’s considered a best practice to configure your default optimization settings at the cluster level and then define exceptions at the namespace and workload levels. See the topics under Configure optimization settings for details.
Helm charts and troubleshooting
To learn more about the Agent and Applier Helm charts and steps to troubleshoot, you can run the following commands:
helm show readme oci://
helm show readme oci://
To learn about other parameters that you can configure, run the following commands:
helm show values oci://
helm show values oci://
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