Apply recommendations

Apply recommendations using the method that suits your environment

During a workload’s learning period, the preliminary recommendations generated by Optimize Live can be applied manually only.

After the learning period, when you’re satisfied with how the generated recommendations can right-size your workloads, you can deploy them in any of the ways described below.

Choosing an apply method - patch or webhook?

By default Optimize Live applies recommendations as patches to a workload.

You can choose to configure Optimize Live to apply recommendations directly to Pods via a mutating admission webhook. You might choose the webhook method if you use third-party tools to monitor for configuration drift or if you have many custom resources.

The Applier component of Optimize Live applies the recommendation using the configured apply method (either PatchWorkloadResources or DynamicAdmissionWebhook). For details, see the Apply method section in the Apply settings topic.

If you use the PatchWorkloadResources apply method, you can choose to configure the Applier to automatically reconcile workload drift, ensuring that recommended settings are maintained and not overwritten during CI/CD or deployment activity on the cluster. For details, see Continuous reconciliation in the Applier configuration topic.

Deploy recommendations on demand

Requires the StormForge Applier.

You can apply a single recommendation in any environment as you experiment with recommendations or if you need to quickly deploy a recommendation outside of a schedule.

  1. In the left navigation of the Optimize Live web application, click Workloads and then click a workload name.
  2. On the workload page, click Apply Now in the workload details page header.

The Applier applies the recommendation using the configured apply method (either PatchWorkloadResources or DynamicAdmissionWebhook). The next recommendation will be available to apply at the time shown in the Next scheduled field in the workload page header.

Deploy recommendations automatically

Requires the StormForge Applier.

This option enables you to immediately realize the benefits of right-sizing your workloads. It also saves you time and toil by relieving you of the task of manually reviewing recommendations on a schedule.

To enable automatic deployment, set the annotation to "Enabled" as described in the Apply settings topic.

The Applier applies the recommendation using the configured apply method (either PatchWorkloadResources or DynamicAdmissionWebhook).

By default, a new recommendation is applied once daily. You can change the recommendation schedule based on how closely you want to track CPU and memory utilization and your tolerance for pod churn.

When you enable automatic deployment, you can also configure these features:

  • Deployment thresholds: To reduce pod churn from automatically applying low-impact recommendations, you can set deployment thresholds. The Applier will apply a recommendation only if the minimum change thresholds are met.
  • Continuous reconciliation of workload drift: When enabled, recommended requests and limits values are maintained and not overwritten during CI/CD or deployment activity on the cluster, except when changes are made by field managers that you declare. For details, see Continuous reconciliation in the Applier configuration topic.
  • Automatic memory bump-ups in response to out-of-memory (OOM) events: For each container in a workload, you can define the memory bump-up percentage, min and max bump-up amounts, and when Optimize Live applies the bump-up. For details, see the Reliability response topic.

To ensure that numerous workloads are not restarted at the same time, Optimize Live staggers the generation and applying of recommendations throughout the schedule period (when the schedule is an ISO 8601 Duration string or equivalent schedule macro). For details, see the Schedule setting in the Schedule topic.

Apply recommendations as patches as part of a CI/CD workflow

You can apply recommendations both automatically and on demand without the StormForge Applier.

  • Automatically using the StormForge CLI:
    • Run the stormforge apply command with the appropriate flags. See the CLI reference docs for details.
  • On demand using kubectl:
    1. On the Patches tab of the workload details page, download or copy the patches.

    2. Apply the patch using the kubectl command provided.

      Because this method doesn’t use the Applier, the apply method is ignored (if set).

Next steps

After applying a recommendation, notice the workload’s updated optimization score on the Workloads page or the workload details page.

The next recommendation will be available to apply at the interval specified in the Next scheduled field in the workload details page header.

If you’re satisfied with how often you receive recommendations, no further action is needed on this workload. Otherwise, you can change the recommendation schedule.

To roll back a recommendation, use Git or Kube-native tools.

Last modified March 18, 2025