Datadog integration

Reference information about the StormForge Optimize Live Datadog integration

Optimize Live Controller

Enabling the Datadog integration

The Datadog integration is enabled when the DD_API_KEY secret value is defined in the optimize-live secret. For the integration to function correctly, all other required values must also be defined.


To configure the Datadog integration for the Optimize Live controller, you need to set a series of secret values in the the optimize-live secret.

To update Datadog environment variables defined in the optimize-live secret, first edit the secret, setting or replacing the appropriate keys and base64-encoded values, then restart the optimize-live deployment.

For example:

kubectl patch secret optimize-live -n stormforge-system -p "$(jq -n '.data.DD_API_KEY=("YOUR_DD_API_KEY_HERE" | @base64)')" && \
kubectl rollout restart deployment optimize-live -n stormforge-system

An optimize-live secret containing Datadog integration values might look something like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: optimize-live
  namespace: stormforge-system
  DD_API_KEY: <base64-encoded-api-key>
  DD_APP_KEY: <base64-encoded-app-key>
  DD_CLUSTER_NAME: <base64-encoded-cluster-name>

Secret Values



Set to the value of your Datadog API key. You can generate this key in Datadog under Organization Settings > API Keys.



Set to the value of your Datadog application key. You can generate this key in Datadog under Organization Settings > Application Keys.



Set this value to the same name the Datadog Kubernetes agent is configured to use.



Defaults to the site parameter value To see a list of Datadog sites and to identify the correct parameter value for the site you are using, see Getting Started with Datadog sites in the Datadog docs.



By default we throttle the queries against the DataDog API to use up to 80% of the available rate limit. Because DataDog has a global rate limit per organization, this may negatively impact other integrations. In these circumstances, DD_RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD can be adjusted to leave appropriate headroom for additional integrations.

Last modified May 1, 2023