Manual Install

Learn how to install and configure StormForge Optimize Live manually using Helm



The StormForge Optimize Live Controller runs inside your Kubernetes cluster. For a manual installation, the StormForge CLI tool is used to authenticate and generate credentials for the controller to use, and Helm is used to install and configure the controller components.

StormForge CLI

You will need to register a new cluster and retrieve credentials for it using the StormForge CLI prior to installing the StormForge Optimize Live controller with Helm.

You can download and install using:

Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.

Copy the following command to a terminal window:

# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux x86_64"  ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux aarch64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/

Download the appropriate Linux binary and extract the files.

Amd64 | Arm64

Then, run:

sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/

Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.

Download the appropriate Windows binary and extract the files.

Amd64 | Arm64

Then, move stormforge.exe to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.

Run the following PowerShell install command:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
Expand-Archive "" "." -WarningVariable $w; if ($w.Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item "" } 

Then, move stormforge.exe to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.

Choose one of the three methods below to install the StormForge CLI.


brew install thestormforge/tap/stormforge

Copy the following macOS install command to a terminal:

# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin x86_64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin arm64"  ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/

Download the appropriate macOS binary and install it using your preferred binary installer.

Amd64 | Arm64

We provide a container image at (for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64):

docker pull

If you prefer to use the container image directly, set the STORMFORGE_TOKEN environment variable (from auth create -o token).

Make sure that your version is v3.0.0+ by running stormforge version. Then log in using a web-based form:

stormforge login

Cluster and Credentials

The StormForge CLI is used to register the new cluster and output the required credentials that the controller will need.

Register a new cluster and save the output to a credential-values.yaml file:

stormforge create cluster my-cluster-name \
  --with-registry-credentials > credential-values.yaml

The values file will be used in the next step when you install the controller using Helm.

Metrics Provider

StormForge Optimize Live supports either Prometheus or Datadog as its metrics provider. Create and save a metrics-provider-values.yaml file for the provider of your choice; then, add the following key-value pairs shown below, replacing the placeholder values.

Configure the metricsURL:

# metrics-provider-values.yaml

For details about setting these and other variables, see the StormForge Datadog integration reference page.

Note: DD_SITE defaults to Specify the value for the Datadog parameter site you’re using.

# metrics-provider-values.yaml
- name: DD_API_KEY
- name: DD_APP_KEY
- name: DD_SITE

To avoid hitting query rate limits, consider adding the following key-value pairs to reduce the backfill of older data and adjust the rate at which Optimize Live fetches new data from Datadog.

# metrics-provider-values.yaml
  value: "0s"
   value: "30m"

Optimize Live Controller

Install the Optimize Live Controller in the stormforge-system namespace. Make sure you provide the appropriate values files for the cluster’s credentials and metrics provider configuration.

helm install optimize-live optimize-live \
  --repo \
  --atomic \
  --namespace stormforge-system \
  --create-namespace \
  --values credential-values.yaml \
  --values metrics-provider-values.yaml

Customizing Installation

In cases where you would need to generate and manually apply the manifests, you can generate them and output them to a ./optimize-live/ directory using helm template:

helm template optimize-live optimize-live \
  --repo \
  --namespace stormforge-system \
  --include-crds \
  --values credential-values.yaml \
  --values metrics-provider-values.yaml \
  --output-dir .
Last modified April 30, 2024