5 minute read
Optimize Pro has been deprecated.
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StormForge Optimize Pro is composed of three parts:
command line tool- StormForge Optimize Pro Controller (which runs in your cluster)
- StormForge API (operated by StormForge)
- Kubernetes version 1.19 or later. Optimize Pro might not work as expected with earlier Kubernetes versions.
- Helm version 3.8 or later
- kubectl properly configured for your cluster
Install the StormForge CLI tool
Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
Copy the following command to a terminal window:
# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux x86_64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Linux aarch64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Download the appropriate Linux binary and extract the files.
Then, run:
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Choose one of the two methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
Download the appropriate Windows binary and extract the files.
Then, move stormforge.exe
to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.
Run the following PowerShell install command:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
If ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Outfile "" }
Expand-Archive "" "." -WarningVariable $w; if ($w.Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item "" }
Then, move stormforge.exe
to a folder defined in your Windows PATH environment variable.
Choose one of the three methods below to install the StormForge CLI.
brew install thestormforge/tap/stormforge
Copy the following macOS install command to a terminal:
# Automatically selects either AMD64 or ARM64 architecture, downloads
# the appropriate binary, then moves it to a location in PATH
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin x86_64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } ||
{ [ "$(uname -sm)" = "Darwin arm64" ] && curl -L | tar -xz; } &&
sudo mv stormforge /usr/local/bin/
Download the appropriate macOS binary and install it using your preferred binary installer.
We provide a container image at
(for linux/amd64
and linux/arm64
docker pull
If you prefer to use the container image directly, set the STORMFORGE_TOKEN
environment variable (from auth create -o token
To authorize the Optimize Pro Controller running in your cluster, you must first prepare the necessary credentials on your workstation (i.e. where you run the stormforge
program from).
Log in
First, you must authenticate your local machine. You can do this via a web-based form:
stormforge login
Alternatively, you can get a one-time use code to enter into a browser from another device:
stormforge login --url
At any time, you can check to see that you can communicate with the API:
stormforge ping
Creating Cluster Credentials
Use the StormForge CLI to register the new access credentials, and direct the output to credential-values.yaml
stormforge auth create CLUSTER_NAME > credential-values.yaml
You’ll use this credentials file in the next step when you install the Controller using Helm.
Install the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller
The Controller runs within your Kubernetes cluster and communicates with the StormForge API to automatically tune your application parameters.
The Helm chart deploys the Controller, custom resource definitions (CRDs), and sets up necessary role-based access control (RBAC) permissions.
custom resource definitionsClusterRole
for the controller service accountoptimize-controller-manager
deployment- an authorization secret for the controller
helm install optimize-pro oci:// \
--namespace stormforge-system \
--create-namespace \
--atomic \
--values credential-values.yaml
Customizing Installation
When you need to generate and manually apply the manifests, you can generate them and output them to a ./optimize-pro/
directory using helm template
helm template optimize-pro oci:// \
--namespace stormforge-system \
--include-crds \
--values credential-values.yaml \
--output-dir .
Upgrading, Uninstalling, and other Advanced Topics
Upgrading the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller
Be sure to check our dedicated upgrade page for Optimize Pro Controller updates.
Uninstalling the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller
You can uninstall the Optimize Pro Controller via helm uninstall
Heads up!
Running helm uninstall
removes the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller from your cluster.
StormForge Optimize Pro data sent to the StormForge Optimize Pro Platform will still persist after you uninstall. You can delete it by using the stormforge
Note that Helm does not delete the CRDs and thus all experiments and trials are left as well. Make sure to delete your experiments and trials first, before uninstall the controller, otherwise the deleting the kubernetes resources may block since the finalizers cannot be run. The following steps take this into account.
Be sure to back up any information in the cluster before uninstalling the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller.
To remove all kubernetes experiments and trials:
kubectl delete experiments --all-namespaces --all kubectl delete trials --all-namespaces --all
To remove the Controller from your cluster, run:
helm uninstall --namespace stormforge-system optimize-pro
Delete the CRDs:
kubectl delete crd
RBAC Requirements
The StormForge Optimize Pro Controller uses Kubernetes jobs to implement trial runs along with custom resources to describe experiment and trial. The StormForge Optimize Pro Controller needs permission to manipulate these resources in the experiment namespaces. Additionally, the StormForge Optimize Pro Controller must be able to list core pods, services, and namespaces.
You can find the exact permissions required for a particular version of the Optimize Pro Controller by inspecting the Helm chart and output of stormforge rbac FILE